Growing evidence-based importance of different cardiovascular outcomes with different glucose medications.

The hypothesis that irrespective of the extent of the improvement of glycemic control, different glucose-lowering drugs may exert varying effects on cardiovascular risk profile has been repeatedly suggested. From available data, any overall harmful effect of metformin on the incidence of myocardial infarction, stroke, or heart failure has been ruled out, suggesting possible benefits in monotherapy and a detrimental effect when combined with sulfonylureas .
On the contrary, sulfonylureas, insulin, and thiazolidinediones have been suspected of adverse cardiovascular effects, although some data of specific drugs were not confirmed by subsequent investigations. A meta-analysis of retrospective cohort studies reported a significant excess risk for all-cause mortality associated with first-generation sulfonylureas . In observational studies, insulin therapy has been associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, supporting the hypothesis of a proatherogenetic effect of insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes (18). On the other hand, the Outcome Reduction with an Initial Glargine Intervention (ORIGIN) trial failed to detect any difference in cardiovascular effect of insulin in comparison with oral drugs (mainly metformin and sulfonylureas) in earlier stages of diabetes . Among thiazolidinediones, rosiglitazone has been withdrawn because of a supposed increase in the risk of myocardial infarction. On the other hand, pioglitazone seems to be considerably safer in this respect, and it could produce a glucose-independent reduction of cardiovascular risk , although it has been associated with increased risk of heart failure 
Some of the newer drugs might be associated with cardiovascular benefits. In particular, meta-analyses of adverse events reported in available trials have shown significant reductions in cardiovascular morbidity after treatment with dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors , even when used in monotherapy . These meta-analytical findings should be considered with caution because they were obtained from trials designed for other purposes (usually efficacy on glucose control) without any clear definition of methods for screening and criteria for diagnosis of cardiovascular events. However, there is wide experimental evidence suggesting that incretin-based drugs could be associated with cardiovascular protection, even through glucose-independent mechanisms .
It is likely that individual drugs used for blood glucose control in type 2 diabetes can have different effects (either beneficial or detrimental) on cardiovascular risk, irrespective of their action on glycemia. This possibility complicates the analysis of results of available trials on the long-term effects of improvement of metabolic control. In some of the available studies, there was widespread use of drugs possibly associated with cardiovascular harm (e.g., rosiglitazone in ACCORD), which could have masked some of the benefits of lower HbA1c; conversely, in future trials, the use of drugs with glucose-independent beneficial actions may produce an overestimation of the protection conferred by strict metabolic control in type 2 diabetes.


The pathophysiology of accelerated atherosclerosis and CVD risk in diabetes is complex . Several risk factors for CVD, including insulin resistance/hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, overweight/obesity, hemorreological abnormalities, dyslipidemia, and hypertension, are often present in varying combinations in patients with type 2 diabetes. Although some studies have shown that hyperglycemia is an independent risk factor for CVD in subjects with or without diabetes (1,27), the complex interaction of several risk factors justifies the difficulty in determining whether the treatment of hyperglycemia really improves the risk of macrovascular complications, as observed with microangiopathic complications. The role of nonglycemic factors that accompany the vast majority of patients with type 2 diabetes is much better understood and seems to be independent of glycemia. In addition, there have been studies demonstrating that interventions addressed to control these other factors in patients with diabetes effectively reduce cardiovascular risk . In contrast, to date, the positive effect of intensive glucose management in comparison with nonintensive glucose control on CVD outcomes is still far from proven.
The milestone study evaluating glucose control improvement and diabetes complications in type 1 diabetes is the DCCT (6). Because of the low rate of macrovascular events during the follow-up, the study lacked the power to evaluate the effect of glucose control on CVD . The DCCT/EDIC study followed up 1,341 initial participants evaluating cardiovascular events (17 years in total after entry in the DCCT). There was a 42% reduction for any cardiovascular event and a 57% reduction for cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke in the group originally assigned to intensive management . The authors attributed this positive finding to the DCCT period of intensive glucose control despite an increase in body weight. While promising, these results need confirmation. We should not forget that CVD risk in long-standing type 1 diabetes may be related to weight gain (31,32) that may result from many years of sustained peripheral hyperinsulinemia. However, the latter may be less relevant than expected in determining CVD. Alternatively, higher rates of CVD in subjects with many years of type 1 diabetes, especially in older studies, really reflect the adverse effects of diabetic microangiopathy on CVD risk . It should also be considered that the impact of hyperglycemia on cardiovascular risk could be different in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. In a large Finnish study, an increment of 1 unit (%) of HbA1c increased cardiovascular mortality by 52% and 7% in type 1 and 2 diabetic subjects, respectively .
Among clinical trials assessing the long-term effect of diabetes treatment on CVD in type 2 diabetes, the UKPDS (8) was the largest one. In this study, no differences were observed for macrovascular disease: aggregate end points, including diabetes-related deaths, all-cause mortality, myocardial infarction, stroke, or amputations or death from peripheral vascular disease, did not reach statistical significance. Moreover, the cardioprotective action of metformin is based on the observations collected in a cohort of only 342 overweight patients with diabetes included in the UKPDS , which is a very small population compared with that of the most recent studies that have not been able to highlight a safe cardiovascular protective effect of intensive treatment.
In the PROactive study (3), it was claimed that the use of pioglitazone was associated with a positive and significant reduction in secondary composite end points of death, stroke, and myocardial infarction. However, in that study pioglitazone ameliorated other risk factors beyond blood glucose; a post hoc analysis suggests that HDL could have been a more important mediator of cardiovascular benefits than HbA1c .
More recently, in the ACCORD study  >10,000 patients with type 2 diabetes at high risk for CVD were randomly assigned to intensive therapy (aimed at HbA1c ≤6.0%) or standard therapy (HbA1c goal of 7.0–7.9%). The results showed no significant difference in the primary end points (nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or death from CV causes) between the two groups, whereas all-cause mortality was 22% higher in the intensive therapy group (95% CI 1.01–1.46; P = 0.04). The causes of excess deaths in the ACCORD trial remain to be explained definitively. It is plausible, however, that excess mortality was due to serious hypoglycemia, which was significantly more frequent in the intensive control group.
In the ADVANCE study , ~11,000 patients with multiple CVD risk factors were followed for 5 years. The data showed that intensive glucose control (HbA1c goal <6.5%) did not provide greater macrovascular protection than did standard therapy. The VADT  also did not show significant differences in the primary outcome, a first cardiovascular event (hazard ratio 0.88 [95% CI 0.74–1.05]; P = 0.14), or all-cause mortality (1.07 [0.81–1.42]; P = 0.62).
Furthermore, the results of the Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation 2 Diabetes (BARI 2D) study (34) showed the difficulty of demonstrating beneficial effects of intensive glycemic control on CVD prognosis. There was no difference in the survival rate in the insulin-sensitization therapy versus the insulin provision group (88.2 vs. 87.9%, respectively; difference 0.3% [95% CI –2.2 to 2.9]; P = 0.89), despite a 0.5% difference in HbA1c (7.0 vs. 7.5%; P = 0.001).
In recent meta-analyses of phase 2 and 3 studies on a small number of events, the possibility was raised that some of the newer drugs, such as dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors and GLP-1 analogs, showed significant cardiovascular protective effects in type 2 diabetes , but these benefits could be due to vasculo- or cardioprotective actions (e.g., myocardial protection from ischemia, improvement of endothelial function, etc.), independent of glucose control .
The comparisons of results of different intervention studies are complex because of diversities in characteristics of enrolled subjects and in concomitant therapies. For example, the UKPDS trial was performed before the widespread use of statin therapy in type 2 diabetes and in subjects with newly diagnosed diabetes free from cardiovascular complications; conversely, PROactive, ACCORD, ADVANCE, and VADT enrolled subjects with high CVD risk. In fact, subgroup analyses of data from these trials suggested that patients with a shorter duration of diabetes, a lower HbA1c, or lack of established CVD might have benefited significantly from more intensive glycemic control .
More recently, the ORIGIN trial was designed to determine whether insulin can reduce cardiovascular morbidity in people with prediabetic hyperglycemia or early type 2 diabetes. Interestingly, in patients without prior CVD, insulin treatment was associated with a higher yearly incidence of CV events (2.21 vs. 1.89%), despite a similar glycemic control .
Few studies are available on the long-term CV effects of multifactorial interventions, in which treatment of hyperglycemia was associated with accurate therapy for associated risk factors. In the Steno-2 study (38), on a relatively small sample of subjects with type 2 diabetes, the intensive treatment of hyperglycemia, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and microalbuminuria reduced CV risk by >50%, demonstrating the need for a multifactorial intervention.
Presently, in type 2 diabetes, the use of statins, ACE inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers, and antiplatelet agents is an essential component of the clinical management. It is possible that the remarkable efficacy of other therapies in cardiovascular prevention makes it difficult to demonstrate an additional benefit of glucose-lowering interventions in clinical trials (38). For example, patients with CVD or CVD risk factors in the ACCORD, ADVANCE, and VADT trials also received statins, antihypertension agents, and aspirin as appropriate/needed, all of which have robust cardiovascular risk reduction properties.
Patients with type 2 diabetes are heterogeneous for age, duration of disease, comorbidity, and genetic background. Glucose-lowering therapy should be adapted to this complexity, with an attempt at improving, or at least avoidance of worsening, associated cardiovascular risk factors.


The assumption that treatment of hyperglycemia can prevent all diabetes complications, including CVD, has been an “act of faith” in the diabetological community for many decades. The contrasting results of available clinical trials in recent years have generated perplexity amid concerns that glucose-lowering therapies, under certain circumstances, might even be detrimental. When all available evidence to date is considered, which includes a fair number of large-scale clinical trials, the improvement of glycemic control appears to be associated with a reduction in the incidence of major cardiovascular events, whereas hypoglycemia could increase cardiovascular mortality. The pursuit of accurate glycemic control, avoiding both hyper- and hypoglycemia, should be recommended for preventing CVD in diabetes, and thus an individualized approach for achievement of target HbA1c in type 2 diabetic patients should be adopted (39,40). At the same time, it should also be clearly recognized that the control of other risk factors (such as hypertension and hypercholesterolemia) is more effective than glucose-lowering therapy in reducing the incidence of cardiovascular events. As a consequence, diabetes care implies a comprehensive management of cardiovascular risk, which includes other factors beyond glycemia.

Effects of glucose lowering on CVD morbidity and mortality.

Whereas epidemiological and pathophysiological growing evidence demonstrated a direct link between hyperglycemia and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in diabetic patients, the results of large clinical trials, investigating the efficacy of improving glycemic control in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes to reduce cardiovascular events, have not been convincing. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) showed a trend toward a 41% risk reduction of cardiovascular events in type 1 diabetes . Moreover, during the posttrial 9-year follow-up observational period of the DCCT-Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) trial, despite the loss of original difference in HbA1c as a consequence of conventional treatment switching to intensive approach and the less tight glycemic control in patients intensively treated, a risk reduction for any cardiovascular event (42%; P = 0.02) and for nonfatal myocardial infarction, stroke, or death for CVD (57%; P = 0.02) was fully achieved . Some conditions, such as the baseline young age of the study sample, the low mortality, and the cardiovascular incidence rate reported during the observation, may have contributed to reveal cardiovascular benefits in the long term only.
A benefit for long-term cardiovascular risk profile has also been described for type 2 diabetes. The UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) reported a 16% reduction in the risk of myocardial infarction, with borderline statistical significance (P = 0.052) . In the 10-year posttrial follow-up, patients originally randomized to receive intensified glucose treatment achieved a significant reduction in the incidence of myocardial infarction (risk ratio reduction 15%; P = 0.0014) and all-cause mortality (13%; P = 0.007) (2). In the PROspective pioglitAzone Clinical Trial In macroVascular Events (PROactive) trial, which compared pioglitazone with placebo, with HbA1c difference of ~0.5%, a reduced risk for the main secondary end point—a composite of all-cause mortality, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and stroke (hazard ratio 0.84; P = 0.027)—was observed in the intervention group .
On the other hand, no significant improvement in cardiovascular risk was observed with intensification of diabetes therapy in the Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron MR Controlled Evaluation (ADVANCE)  and the Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial (VADT) ; in the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) trial , the reduction in cardiovascular morbidity in the intensified therapy group did not reach statistical significance, due to the premature interruption because of increased mortality. The negative results of these trials on cardiovascular events may have been determined by the insufficient sample size. It should be considered that one of these trials (i.e., ACCORD), which was specifically designed for cardiovascular outcomes, was prematurely interrupted (before reaching the target number of events) because of an unexpected excess of mortality in the intervention group, whereas two other studies (e.g., UKPDS and ADVANCE) were designed for a composite end point including macro- and microvascular complications, which obviously has a higher incidence than cardiovascular events alone, thus resulting in an undersized study sample for CVD as a separate end point.
When several insufficiently powered studies fail to provide clear results, they should be combined in a meta-analysis to retrieve relevant information, which would otherwise remain hidden because of statistical reasons. The efficacy of the improvement of glycemic control on the cardiovascular risk profile can be easily demonstrated by combining the results of all trials exploring cardiovascular end points and comparing treatment groups with an HbA1c difference of at least 0.5%. Intensified treatment for type 2 diabetes is associated with a significant reduction of all cardiovascular events (overall odds ratio 0.89; P = 0.001) and myocardial infarction (0.84; P < 0.001) . The reduction of cardiovascular morbidity induced by diabetes treatment should theoretically produce a decrease in cardiovascular mortality; however, no such improvement is observed when combining the results of large-scale trials (12). The lack of effect of improvement of glucose control on mortality is largely driven by the negative result of the ACCORD trial, with other studies (particularly UKPDS and PROactive) showing nonsignificant trends toward improvement. Excess mortality in ACCORD could be explained, in part, by the aggressive therapeutic approach in the intensified treatment group, thus leading to a remarkable increase of hypoglycemia. Intensive glycemic control is related to an increased hypoglycemic risk, as observed both in individual trials and in their meta-analysis. A positive correlation between incidence of severe hypoglycemia and cardiovascular mortality has been documented . There is evidence that hypoglycemia may adversely affect the cardiovascular risk profile, in particular in subjects affected by a longer duration of diabetes. Hypoglycemia triggers a cascade of physiologic effects, inducing adrenergic activation, oxidative stress, and cardiac arrhythmias, and may contribute to sudden death and ischemic cerebral damage (14). Overall, available trials show that reduction of hyperglycemia reduces the incidence of major cardiovascular events, whereas severe hypoglycemia may increase cardiovascular mortality. In fact, even in the acute phase of major cardiovascular events, a very aggressive treatment of hyperglycemia determining a high hypoglycemic risk increases mortality (15). If this is the case, hypoglycemia-inducing agents (such as insulin or sulfonylureas) could have a less favorable cardiovascular profile than glucose-lowering drugs, which do not induce hypoglycemia.

Exenatide Once Weekly Resulted in Greater Improvements in Glycemic Control Compared with Exenatide Twice Daily in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a complex disorder characterized by defects in the secretion and action of multiple glucoregulatory hormones, resulting in hyperglycemia. Achieving glycemic control and reduction of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) has been shown to reduce the risk of long-term microvascular and possibly macrovascular complications of diabetes (1). However, optimal treatment of diabetes must address both glycemic control and such comorbidities as obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia (23). Although several therapies are currently approved for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, there remains a need for treatments with demonstrated effects on both hyperglycemia and associated comorbidities, with minimal risk of hypoglycemia and weight gain.
The American Diabetes Association/European Association for the Study of Diabetes treatment algorithm published in 2009 cites glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists as a less-validated but potential add-on therapy for the treatment of type 2 diabetes if glycemic control is not achieved after lifestyle intervention and metformin therapy (4). In addition, the 2009 consensus algorithm created by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE)/American College of Endocrinology (ACE) for the treatment of type 2 diabetes supports combination therapy for patients who require advanced treatment. Although metformin is recommended for monotherapy and as a component of combination antidiabetes therapies, GLP-1 receptor agonists are positioned as preferred secondary agents because of their efficacy and overall safety profile, notably glucose-dependent stimulation of insulin secretion and the resultant low risk of hypoglycemia, ability to produce weight loss, and postprandial glucose-lowering characteristics (5).
An incretin hormone secreted from the gut in response to food ingestion, GLP-1 has been demonstrated to play a key role in pancreatic β-cell stimulation, insulin secretion, regulation of gastric emptying and satiety, and suppression of inappropriate glucagon secretion (68). GLP-1 infusion over 24 h has been demonstrated to normalize blood glucose and both basal and stimulated β-cell function (9), demonstrating the potential role of continuous GLP-1 receptor agonism in improving glycemic control in type 2 diabetes (10).
Exenatide administered twice daily (ExBID), a well-characterized GLP-1 receptor agonist approved for use as an adjunct to diet and exercise, has been shown to promote glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes and produce weight loss; in addition, exenatide has been reported to improve cardiovascular risk factors, such as blood pressure and lipid profiles (11). Exenatide, like GLP-1, acts to enhance glucose-dependent insulin secretion by the pancreatic β-cell, suppress inappropriately elevated glucagon secretion, reduce food intake, and slow gastric emptying (1214).
An extended-release formulation of exenatide administered once weekly (ExQW), currently under review by regulatory authorities, provides steady-state concentrations of exenatide in the range shown to elicit effects on glycemic control within approximately 6–10 wk of initiating therapy (1516). As in the case of ExBID, ExQW has been demonstrated to improve glycemic control and reduce body weight (1516). The continuous GLP-1 receptor agonism achieved with ExQW has the potential to provide improved glycemic control with additional benefits of weight loss, blood pressure reduction, and improvement in lipid profiles. In addition, once-weekly administration has been reported to reduce patient burden by providing patients with a weekly dosing regimen (17).
Diabetes Therapy Utilization: Researching Changes in HBA1C, Weight, and Other Factors Through Intervention with Exenatide Once Weekly (DURATION)-5 was a randomized, open-label trial comparing the safety and efficacy of ExQW and ExBID, both provided in their (intended) commercial forms, over 24 wk in patients with type 2 diabetes treated with diet and exercise alone or in combination with a single or multiple oral antidiabetic agents.

Patients and Methods


Randomized patients (n = 254) were at least 18 yr of age and diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, otherwise healthy, and treated for at least 2 months with diet and exercise alone or with a stable, maximally effective regimen of metformin, sulfonylurea (SU), thiazolidinedione, or a combination of these medications. Additional entry criteria included an HbA1c of 7.1–11.0%, fasting plasma glucose (FPG) concentration less than 280 mg/dl (15.5 mmol/liter), and a body mass index of 25–45 kg/m2. Patients were to refrain from changes to oral antidiabetic, lipid-lowering, and antihypertensive medications during the study, unless instructed otherwise by the investigator. Use of concomitant weight-loss agents was not allowed; no supplementary lifestyle modification program was applied.
A common clinical protocol was approved for each site by the appropriate institutional review board, and all patients provided written informed consent before participation. The study was conducted in accordance with the principles described in the Declaration of Helsinki (1946) up to and including the Seoul revision (2008) (18).

Study design

This study was a randomized, comparator-controlled, open-label evaluation of the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of ExQW (intended commercial material) compared with ExBID. Patients were randomized 1:1 to treatment with ExBID or ExQW, with randomization performed centrally via an interactive voice or web response system. Randomization was stratified according to concomitant SU use at screening and baseline HbA1c stratum (<9.0% or ≥ 9.0%). Patients randomized to ExQW received sc 2-mg doses once weekly for 24 wk. Patients randomized to ExBID received 5 μg sc twice daily (BID) for 4 wk followed by 10 μg sc BID for 20 wk, consistent with recommended dosing for ExBID (19). Patients self-administered study medication after training by study site personnel. Sponsor personnel remained blinded to HbA1c and FPG data throughout treatment.

Study end points

The study was designed to compare the effects of ExQW and ExBID on the primary end point of change in HbA1c from baseline to wk 24. Secondary end points included body weight, FPG, proportion of subjects achieving HbA1c targets of less than 7% and 6.5% or less at wk 24, proportion of patients achieving FPG target of 126 mg/dl (7.0 mmol/liter) or less at wk 24, systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure, fasting lipid concentrations, safety, and tolerability.

Laboratory values

Blood tests, including HbA1c, were performed by Quintiles Laboratories (Smyrna, GA) using standard methods. HbA1c was measured by HPLC. Plasma concentrations of antibodies to exenatide were measured using a validated ELISA (20). Antibody titers were determined by serial 1:5 dilutions after minimal dilution of 1:25, with the titer expressed as the reciprocal of the highest dilution of sample that tested positive. Antibody to exenatide titers less than 625 were classified as low and titers of 625 or greater were classified as higher.

Statistical analysis

A sample size of approximately 250 patients (ratio of 1:1) was estimated to provide 90% power to demonstrate that ExQW was noninferior to ExBID by a 0.4% difference in the HbA1c change from baseline to wk 24, using a one-sided, two-sample t test with a significance level of 0.025 and assuming a greater (0.1%) reduction in HbA1c by ExQW compared with ExBID, a 15% withdrawal rate, and a common sd of 1.1%. Hypotheses for demonstration of both superiority and noninferiority were prespecified in the protocol. Noninferiority of ExQW to ExBID was demonstrated if the upper limit of the two-sided 95% confidence interval (CI) for the difference between treatments fell beneath 0.4%; superiority was demonstrated if the CI was below zero (21). Other tests were conducted two sided at a significance level of 0.05. Multiplicity from tests of treatment differences for the proportion of patients achieving the targets of HbA1c less than 7.0% and FPG 126 mg/dl (7.0 mmol/liter) or less at wk 24, and the change in FPG from baseline to wk 24 were adjusted using the Hochberg procedure (22) to control the overall type I error rate at a 5% level.
The changes in HbA1c and FPG between treatments were compared using general linear models, including factors for treatment group, baseline HbA1c stratum, and concomitant SU use at screening. The proportions of patients achieving HbA1c and FPG targets were compared between treatments using a Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test, adjusted by the factors of baseline HbA1c stratum and concomitant SU use at screening. Differences in the changes in other parameters from baseline to wk 24 were assessed using general linear models, including factors for treatment group, concomitant SU use at screening, baseline HbA1c stratum, and baseline values of the parameter. The triglyceride data were analyzed after natural logarithmic transformation.
The intent-to-treat (ITT) population (n = 252) consisted of all randomized patients receiving at least one dose of randomized study medication. The evaluable population (n = 204) consisted of all ITT patients completing study procedures through at least wk 20 in compliance with the protocol and receiving adequate study medication exposure. With the exception of safety and subgroup analyses, performed for the ITT population only, all analyses were performed for both the ITT and evaluable populations. Missing postbaseline efficacy data were imputed using the last observation carried forward (LOCF) approach. As a sensitivity analysis, the change in HbA1c was evaluated using all observed postbaseline data (without imputation) in a mixed-effects model repeated-measure analysis (change in HbA1c as dependent variable; treatment, week, treatment by week interaction, concomitant SU use at screening, and baseline HbA1c stratum as fixed effects; subject as random effect). Efficacy data on mean changes from baseline were expressed as least squares (LS) means. The statistical analyses were performed using SAS version 9.2 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC).
Treatment-emergent adverse events were defined as adverse events that occurred or worsened after the first injection of study medication. Hypoglycemic episodes were classified as major or minor. Major hypoglycemia was defined as events that resulted in loss of consciousness, seizure, coma, or other change in mental status consistent with neuroglycopenia, in which symptoms resolved after administration of intramuscular glucagon or iv glucose. Hypoglycemia requiring assistance because of severe impairment in consciousness or behavior accompanied by a blood glucose concentration less than 54 mg/dl (3.0 mmol/liter) before treatment was also classified as major. Minor hypoglycemia was defined as events with symptoms consistent with hypoglycemia accompanied by a blood glucose concentration less than 54 mg/dl (3.0 mmol/liter) before treatment.

Diabetes Statistics, Facts and Myths

Diabetes in the UK

In the United Kingdom there are about 3.8 million people with diabetes, according to the National Health Service. Diabetes UK, a charity, believes this number will jump to 6.2 million by 2035, and the National Health Service will be spending as much as 17% of its health care budget on diabetes by then.

Diabetes spreads in southeast Asia

Diabetes is rapidly spreading in Southeast Asia as people embrace American fast foods, such as hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries and pizza. More Chinese adults who live in Singapore are dying of heart disease and developing type 2 diabetes than ever before, researchers from the University of Minnesota School of Public Health and the National University of Singapore reported in the journal Circulation.
The authors found that Chinese adults in Singapore who eat American-style junk foods twice a week had a 56% greater risk of dying prematurely form heart disease, while their risk of developing type 2 diabetes rose 27%, compared to their counterparts who "never touched the stuff". There was a 80% higher likelihood of dying from coronary heart disease for those eating fast foods four times per week. (Link to article)

Some facts and myths about diabetes

Many presumed "facts" are thrown about in the paper press, magazines and on the internet regarding diabetes; some of them are, in fact, myths. It is important that people with diabetes, pre-diabetes, their loved ones, employers and schools have an accurate picture of the disease. Below are some diabetes myths:
  • People with diabetes should not exercise - NOT TRUE!! Exercise is important for people with diabetes, as it is for everybody else. Exercise helps manage body weight, improves cardiovascular health, improves mood, helps blood sugar control, and relieves stress. Patients should discuss exercise with their doctor first.
  • Fat people always develop type 2 diabetes eventually - this is not true. Being overweight or obese raises the risk of becoming diabetic, they are risk factors, but do not mean that an obese person will definitely become diabetic. Many people with type 2 diabetes were never overweight. The majority of overweight people do not develop type 2 diabetes.
  • Diabetes is a nuisance, but not serious - two thirds of diabetes patients die prematurely from stroke or heart disease. The life expectancy of a person with diabetes is from five to ten years shorter than other people's. Diabetes is a serious disease.
  • Children can outgrow diabetes - this is not true. Nearly all children with diabetes have type 1; insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas have been destroyed. These never come back. Children with type 1 diabetes will need to take insulin for the rest of their lives, unless a cure is found one day.
  • Don't eat too much sugar, you will become diabetic - this is not true. A person with diabetes type 1 developed the disease because their immune system destroyed the insulin-producing beta cells. A diet high in calories, which can make people overweight/obese, raises the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, especially if there is a history of this disease in the family.
  • I know when my blood sugar levels are high or low - very high or low blood sugar levels may cause some symptoms, such as weakness, fatigue and extreme thirst. However, levels need to be fluctuating a lot for symptoms to be felt. The only way to be sure about your blood sugar levels is to test them regularly. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark showed that even very slight rises in blood-glucose levels significantly raise the risk of ischemic heart disease. (Link to article)
  • Diabetes diets are different from other people's - the diet doctors and specialized nutritionists recommend for diabetes patients are healthy ones; healthy for everybody, including people without the disease. Meals should contain plenty of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and they should be low in salt and sugar, and saturated or trans fat. Experts say that there is no need to buy special diabetic foods because they offer no special benefit, compared to the healthy things we can buy in most shops.
  • High blood sugar levels are fine for some, while for others they are a sign of diabetes - high blood-sugar levels are never normal for anybody. Some illnesses, mental stress and steroids can cause temporary hikes in blood sugar levels in people without diabetes. Anybody with higher-than-normal blood sugar levels or sugar in their urine should be checked for diabetes by a health care professional.
  • Diabetics cannot eat bread, potatoes or pasta - people with diabetes can eat starchy foods. However, they must keep an eye on the size of the portions. Whole grain starchy foods are better, as is the case for people without diabetes.
  • One person can transmit diabetes to another person - NOT TRUE. Just like a broken leg is not infectious or contagious. A parent may pass on, through their genes to their offspring, a higher susceptibility to developing the disease.
  • Only older people develop type 2 diabetes - things are changing. A growing number of children and teenagers are developing type 2 diabetes. Experts say that this is linked to the explosion in childhood obesity rates, poor diet, and physical inactivity.
  • I have to go on insulin, this must mean my diabetes is severe - people take insulin when diet alone or diet with oral or non-insulin injectable diabetes drugs do not provide good-enough diabetes control, that's all. Insulin helps diabetes control. It does not usually have anything to do with the severity of the disease.
  • If you have diabetes you cannot eat chocolates or sweets - people with diabetes can eat chocolates and sweets if they combine them with exercise or eat them as part of a healthy meal.
  • Diabetes patients are more susceptible to colds and illnesses in general - a person with diabetes with good diabetes control is no more likely to become ill with a cold or something else than other people. However, when a diabetic catches a cold, their diabetes becomes harder to control, so they have a higher risk of complications.

Diabetes: Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose

Tight control of blood sugar levels is difficult to achieve. Levels can fall too low even with the best adherence to demanding daily self-monitoring schedules.
The proportion of people in the US with a diagnosis of diabetes who undertake self-monitoring of glucose has risen dramatically - from 36% in 1994 to 64% in 2010.1
All patients newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes will receive training on how to do their blood sampling and how to act on readings. Increasing numbers of people with type 2 diabetes - even those who do not need insulin treatment - are also recommended to self-monitor their blood glucose levels.

What is blood glucose self-monitoring?

Self-monitoring requires a drop of blood and allows patients to improve their understanding of their blood glucose levels.
The aim of self-monitoring is to collect detailed information about blood glucose levels over time at multiple points. It helps maintain constant glucose levels and prevent hypoglycemia, and allows the following to be scheduled accordingly:2-4
  • The treatment regime/insulin doses
  • Dietary intake
  • Physical activity.
Such glycemic control is important in the prevention of the long-term complications of diabetes.4,5
In addition to monitoring diabetes treatment effects and identifying blood sugar highs and lows, self-monitoring is a strategy that guides overall treatment goals. Self-monitoring also gives insight into how diet, exercise and other factors, such as illness and stress, affect blood sugar levels.5,6
Self-monitoring helps patients improve their knowledge of glucose levels and the effects of different behaviors on their blood glucose.5,6
Patients on glucose-lowering drugs can take their self-monitoring records to their health care provider, allowing them to measure prescriptions accordingly and recommend any adjustments to diet and exercise.4
Strict glycemic control in type 1 diabetes is difficult to achieve - even with good education on self-monitoring, the most frequent measurement does not give enough information to avoid hypoglycemia.7

Who should self-monitor blood glucose?

It was previously only people with insulin-treated diabetes - type 1 in particular - who would be recommended to self-monitor their blood glucose levels.8
International guidelines now state that there is enough evidence for the benefit of glycemic control to recommend self-monitoring to anyone with diabetes, including those with type 2 diabetes who do not need insulin treatment, as long as there is sufficient healthcare support. Adequate support entails the following:4,8
  • The monitoring is incorporated into an education program to promote appropriate treatment adjustments according to blood glucose values
  • There is shared management with health care providers to provide a clear set of instructions for acting on results.
The type of diabetes determines how regularly self-measurement is needed. Type 1 diabetes demands several daily measurements whereas insulin-treated type 2 diabetes needs only around two a day. If no insulin treatment is needed, less than daily measurement may be sufficient.5

Target blood glucose levels

The overall goal of glycemic control for adults with diabetes has been set by the American Diabetes Association, whose guidance is followed by health care providers. It states:9
  • The HbA1c level (a marker of average glucose levels over recent months) should be lowered to 7% to reduce the risk of diabetes complications
  • If possible, and as long as hypoglycemia can be avoided, some individuals may be able to target an HbA1c of 6.5%.
Less ambitious HbA1c targets (such as getting below 8%) are appropriate for some patients, including those who have any of the following:9
  • History of severe hypoglycemia
  • Limited life expectancy
  • Advanced diabetes complications
  • Extensive coexisting conditions.
Less stringent targets may also be appropriate for people with long-standing diabetes who find targets difficult in spite of disease management strategies.9
The 7% HbA1c level informs the equivalent self-monitoring targets that patients can aim for (and again, less ambitious targets are appropriate for some patients):9
  • Before meals (preprandial) - 70-130 mg/dL (3.9-7.2 mmol/L)
  • After meals (postprandial, 1-2 hours after start of meal) - less than 180 mg/dL (<10.0 mmol/L).

How is a blood glucose monitor used?

A glucose meter electronically reads a small sample of blood on a test strip. The blood is usually drawn by a skin prick at the tip of a finger.5
Over 20 types of glucose meter are commercially available, varying in size, the amount of blood needed and electronic memory and analysis features. While some enable graphs to be computed, for many it is up to the user to keep meticulous records including details of times, diet and exercise.3,5
Practical tips for blood glucose monitoring include:4
Self-monitoring of type 1 diabetes demands between four and eight finger-prick measurements every day.
  • Handle the meter and test strips with clean, dry hands
  • Use the test strips specified for the meter and keep these in the original container
  • Use a test strip only once and discard
  • Strips can be calibrated with the meter for accuracy, and some meters require coding with each new canister of strips
  • Check for expiration dates
  • Keep in a cool, dry place
  • Take the meter to office visits for checks by providers.
Practical steps are also needed in preparation of the skin prick for a blood sample. The skin site should be cleaned with warm, soapy water and dried, or an alcohol pad can be used. Otherwise - if food has been handled recently, for example - false readings can occur.2,4
The lancet sizes vary and can be adjusted to prick the skin and produce the different amounts of blood needed by various meters. Thinner and sharper lancets are typically the most comfortable. Lancets should not be reused after single use.4
To reduce pain, the sides of the finger can be used and fingers can be rotated, including any of the five digits instead of the index finger or thumb.4
While the most accurate measurements are enabled by the use of the fingertips or outer palm, some meters allow the use of other sites such as the upper arms and thighs.4

When should glucose self-monitoring tests be done?

Individual cases of diabetes require different levels of blood glucose monitoring. The frequency of testing can change for an individual as well; the frequency may need to be intensified in the event of changes to medications, stress levels, diet or activity levels.2
Examples of the sort of information that can be provided by meter readings include checking oral medicines or long-acting insulins through the use of nighttime fasting blood glucose (FBG) readings, taken at around 3 or 4am.2
Test results from before eating can help to guide changes to meals or medicines, and those obtained 1-2 hours following a meal are informative when learning how blood sugar levels are affected by food.2
Tests at bedtime also help inform adjustments to diet or medications.2

Real-time continuous glucose monitoring

Continuous glucose monitoring overcomes the problem of taking numerous manual daytime readings from skin pricks.
People with type 1 diabetes typically do between four and eight finger-prick measurements each day, and rarely monitor nighttime blood glucose levels.5,7
Such self-monitoring can lead to rapid changes in blood glucose known as excursions, including postprandial hyperglycemia, asymptomatic hypoglycemia and fluctuations overnight.7
Real-time continuous glucose monitoring has been shown to be more effective than self blood glucose measurement in reducing HbA1c in type 1 diabetes because it provides detailed information on glucose patterns and trends.7
The major factor crucial to the success of the devices is motivation and compliance of the user.7
The available continuous monitors - some of which are combined with insulin pumps - consist of an electrochemical sensor placed under the skin and replaced every 3-7 days.7